Mobile Computing Service

Aldgate SA
We come to you

08 8231 0244 / 04035503542

Specialising in Computer Hardware for Business and Home including Network PC Support and Repairs



'mCrypt' PHP extension for advanced password protection is not installed on your server. Plz, ask your hosting company to install it.


The prices of the products and their availability are dependent on data feed from our suppliers. Although every effort is made for prices and availability to be displayed correctly at times the feed may not be up to date resulting in items either being unavailable or incorrect in pricing. We check every single order before processing it in case of discrepancy in price, availability and freight costs. We have endeavoured to allocate an appropriate freight cost based on post code, however, there are occasions when multiple items, bulky freight, out of the way regions make incur an additional freight cost. If there is any problem at all with processing your order due to any of the above we will contact you to resolve it or provide you a full refund.

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